[每日E語] 有關於花錢方面的英文用法
means代表意思是收入 而非 方法
I live within my means 我過著量力而為生活(不花超過)
I live beyond my means 我過著入不敷出生活 (花超過)
I live paycheck to paycheck 我過著月光族般生活
--->Paycheck是你的薪水 過著一份薪水接者一份薪水代表 你是月光族,來看看我的影片怎麼說喔!
I live hand to mouth 我過著勉強餬口生活
以下幾種都是口語上形容 亂花錢 或是狂花錢的說法
She burn through her money 亂燒錢
She spent her money left and right 左右到處花錢
She spent her money like nobody's business 大量的花
He spent the money like his life depend on it 拼死命花錢
I shell out $500 on my new smartphone噴了
I laid out $500 on my new smartphone噴了
I bought it for pennies on the dollar 很便宜
XXX is dirt cheap 跟土一樣便宜
那麼怎麼形容 公主病 或是 難以伺候的女生呢
She's got princess complex 公主病
She is a high maintenance girl 難伺候 要買很多東西給她那種
I live within my means 我過著量力而為生活(不花超過)
I live beyond my means 我過著入不敷出生活 (花超過)
I live paycheck to paycheck 我過著月光族般生活
--->Paycheck是你的薪水 過著一份薪水接者一份薪水代表 你是月光族,來看看我的影片怎麼說喔!
I live hand to mouth 我過著勉強餬口生活
以下幾種都是口語上形容 亂花錢 或是狂花錢的說法
She burn through her money 亂燒錢
She spent her money left and right 左右到處花錢
She spent her money like nobody's business 大量的花
He spent the money like his life depend on it 拼死命花錢
I shell out $500 on my new smartphone噴了
I laid out $500 on my new smartphone噴了
I bought it for pennies on the dollar 很便宜
XXX is dirt cheap 跟土一樣便宜
那麼怎麼形容 公主病 或是 難以伺候的女生呢
She's got princess complex 公主病
She is a high maintenance girl 難伺候 要買很多東西給她那種
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