
Showing posts from April, 2015


除了各位耳熟能詳的fat 外, 其實還有幾種其他說法~ 先從胖開始 1. overweight : 超重了 (adj.) 2. chubby: 有點小肉肉 (adj.) 3. a little bit on the heavy side: 算是在偏重的那一方 4. obese: 稍嫌病態的胖 (adj.) 5. skinny fat: 四肢瘦 只胖肚子 (adj.) 粗俗一點好了 1. porky : 肥仔 (adj.) 2. fat ass--> fat fuck: 死胖子 (n.) 3. she just let herself go and don't care--> 他放棄照顧她體態了... 4. blubberbutt 大屁股 (n.) 5. morbidly obese: 病態的胖 變胖怎說? gain weight : I had too many cookies, so I ended up gaining a lot of weight . blimp out 爆肥: He is totally blimped out . (blimp 是指飛行船的意思...胖的有如吹起一艘氣船一樣) 話說 "I am not fat , I am just big-boned " -Eric Cartman 這是南方四賤客那位胖胖可愛的腳色 ( 阿ㄆㄧㄚˇ) 名言:  我不胖 我只是 骨架大 !!!  哈哈..