除了課本所學的How are you之外
How are you doing ? 你好
(有時are會唸較快,聽起來像是How you doing )
What's new (with you)? 最近有啥新鮮事
What have you been up to? 最近你在幹嘛
How are you holding up ?
( 詢問對方最近好嗎,使用的情境為對方可能最近經歷過一些不順所問)
What's up
What up (直接省略掉s,蠻多黑人這樣講的)
What's happening?
What's cracking ?
除了I am fine / I am good 我很好之外
I am doing the best I can 我盡我可能做好
Still hanging 還撐著..(可能最近不順)
No more than usual(跟平常沒兩樣)
Same as every other days(跟其他天一樣)
Same shit different toilet(老樣子...沒啥大事,相同的屎,不同馬桶罷了)
Ain't shit (黑人回答法: 也是指沒事沒幹嘛,代表nothing的意思)
What's new (with you)? 最近有啥新鮮事
What have you been up to? 最近你在幹嘛
How are you holding up ?
( 詢問對方最近好嗎,使用的情境為對方可能最近經歷過一些不順所問)
What's up
What up (直接省略掉s,蠻多黑人這樣講的)
What's happening?
What's cracking ?
除了I am fine / I am good 我很好之外
I am doing the best I can 我盡我可能做好
Still hanging 還撐著..(可能最近不順)
No more than usual(跟平常沒兩樣)
Same as every other days(跟其他天一樣)
Same shit different toilet(老樣子...沒啥大事,相同的屎,不同馬桶罷了)
Ain't shit (黑人回答法: 也是指沒事沒幹嘛,代表nothing的意思)
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