[每日E語] 電子菸的英文怎麼講



上回看美劇時,聽到一個字叫做vape pen
自己回來Google 了一下,原來叫做電子菸


1. e-cig
2. e-cigarette 
3. vaping (to vape)
4. juuling (to juul)

那最簡單就是用vape 這個字
Do you vape?
(圖片來源:Awkwafina is nora from queens)





You’ve probably heard of e-cigarettes. There are some countries that have banned them, but others, like the United States, have not. Some people feel e-cigs can help cigarette users quit smoking. Other people think e-cigs encourage new users to start and eventually become addicted to nicotine, the drug inside tobacco. The act of using an e-cig used to be called vaping, but now many are calling it juuling.
E-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, are small machines that could look like a regular cigarette or even a pen. Most can be reused. A regular cigarette holds tobacco leaves and other chemicals. E-cigs on the other hand hold liquid. The modern e-cigarette was invented by a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik. The idea, however, is not new. A man named Herbert A. Gilbert patented a “smokeless, non-tobacco cigarette” back in 1963.
你或許聽過電子菸,它在某些國家被禁,但在美國等地可合法使用。有人認為電子菸可幫助癮君子戒菸,但也有人認為它會引誘原本不吸菸的人開始吸菸,甚至演變成對菸草裡的尼古丁物質上癮。英語世界以前用vape 這個字表示吸電子菸,現在很多人則用juul 來指稱。
電子菸是一種小型的吸菸器,外觀像普通香菸,甚至也像筆,大多可重複使用。一般的香菸裝有菸草葉及其他化學成分,電子菸則是盛裝液體。中國藥師韓力是當代電子菸的發明者,但他的構想並不新穎。早在1963 年, 一位名叫吉伯特的男子,就曾註冊「無煙、無尼古丁香菸」的專利。


How do e-cigarettes work? Regular cigarettes use fire to burn tobacco and other solid materials. That makes smoke. An e-cig is a vaporizer that uses a small battery-powered heater to change a liquid into a gas or vapor. That’s why using an e-cig is called vaping. The liquid, called e-liquid or e-juice, is made of chemicals and comes in many flavors. Unlike cigarettes, e-liquid may or may not have nicotine inside.
Vaporizer technology used to be large, troublesome or even dangerous. A new product called the Juul is smaller and easier to use. The machine is also safer because it has a built-in computer to keep the battery from overheating or exploding. Vaping with a Juul has become so popular that many just call it juuling.
American laws say that only people aged 18 and up can buy tobacco or nicotine products, but that doesn’t stop high school students. The Juul is too easy to bring into schools because it looks just like a USB flash drive. It has become so popular amongst students that e-cig companies, like the one that makes the Juul, are making a lot of money.
電子菸的原理是什麼?吸一般的香菸,必須點火燃燒菸草及菸內其他固體物質。電子菸則不一樣,它本身就是一個裝有電池的汽化器,裡頭的加熱機,可將液體轉換成氣體或蒸汽(vapor)。此即用vape/vaping 稱吸電子菸的由來。電子菸裡的「e 汁」或「e 液」有多種口味, 它們都是經由化學製成。這些液體有的含尼古丁,有的沒有,這是與一般香菸不同的地方。
以前的vaping 工具外型較大,用起來麻煩又危險。現在有一種新的產品叫Juul,體積較小,方便使用,也比較安全,內建電腦可防止電池過熱或爆炸。Juul 的市場越來越大,於是Juul 這個字也變成吸電子菸的同義字。
美國法律規定,年滿18 歲才能購買香菸或含尼古丁的產品,但美國高中生沒有因此卻步。Juul 外觀像USB 隨身碟,很容易就帶進校園,在學生群裡流行,並讓像Juul 這樣的電子菸公司賺滿荷包。


Companies might be making money off e-cigs, but the public is still trying to decide if they are good or bad. E-cigarettes are supposed to be a helpful tool for smokers who are trying to quit cigarettes. The e-cig is supposed to help them get nicotine without other harmful chemicals, making it easier to quit. The truth may be different. Some recent studies have shown that e-cigs might encourage smokers to keep using nicotine and might even make it easier for new users to become addicted. There are still many facts about using e-cigs that we don’t know.



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